Grass carp fish fishing tender grass, the best to the grass carp to find the area frequented just eaten soon after birth of the new leaves, new leaves.
West Lake vinegar fish, one of the most popular Hangzhou dishes, is a grass carp cooked with vinegar and sweet sauce.
Three herbivorous fish were farmed by freshwater, while mercury in Bighead carp and Bluntsnout bream were higher than Grass carp.
Effect of wine lees pickling technologies, sterilization conditions and microbe on quality of drunk fish was studied in this paper with grass carp.
First choice of green, grass carp, carp and other fish and vintage flour, maize flour, and then juices sesame oil, salt, after kneading, rolling, steaming, cutting, drying processes from refining.
The bacterial gill-rot disease is a common disease of grass carp, it makes serious harmfulness to the fish.
The viscera of three species of freshwater fish, grass carp, bream and silver carp, were used as raw material for fish oil extraction in this study.
Some kinds of fish will keep lakes and water-ways clear by eating water weeds. the Chinese grass carp is one. it eats large amounts of water milfoil and other weeds that grow under the water surface.
Although polyculture had not caught on in Japan fish culturists there were producing fry of grass carp and silver carp for export.
Although polyculture had not caught on in Japan fish culturists there were producing fry of grass carp and silver carp for export.