Using its network of cells as a grassroots campaign organisation, Hamas won nearly twice as many seats as Fatah (though a small majority of votes).
We've noted on ReadWriteWeb before how Obama and Paul have used the Internet to successfully build a grassroots campaign and raise lots of money.
Start a grassroots campaign to get people to buy local, buy organic, buy durable quality, and buy less: Be willing to pay more, but expect more for it.
Fans of TV drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation have started a grassroots online campaign to persuade departing cast member Jorja Fox to stay.
There can be little doubt that the Obama campaign skillfully used the Internet to raise funds and create and manage a grassroots organization that, in the end, carried them to the White House.
In both districts, the outcome of the annual giving campaign was determined by the degree of motivation at the grassroots level.
Mobilizing global communities at the grassroots level to clean up, fix up and conserve their local environment is one of the main goals of this campaign.
Mobilizing global communities at the grassroots level to clean up, fix up and conserve their local environment is one of the main goals of this campaign.