They wanted me to change the title to something less gratuitously offensive.
This can cause tests to fail gratuitously.
Some may find our criticisms upsetting, but we do not make them gratuitously.
At this late stage it proves difficult for Obama to coax those whom he once so gratuitously offended and went after.
Hanoi gratuitously reaffirmed that it would abide by the text of the agreement — in other words, that it would seek no changes of its own.
Give domestic enterprises depend on extensive types that exploit gratuitously resource manage and challenge with backward awareness of environment too.
The possessor shall not be in a more favourable position than the person from whom it acquired the cultural object by inheritance or otherwise gratuitously.
If England bound herself to-day to supply the Germans gratuitously for years with all they required in manufactured articles, we could not recommend them to accept such an offer.
To air one's views gratuitously, however, is to imply that the demand for them is brisk, which may not be the case, and which, in any event, may not be relevant to the discussion.
The export enterprises may, in accordance with these Measures, gratuitously obtain and use the export quantity of corresponding machinery and electronic products through independent bidding.
The export enterprises may, in accordance with these Measures, gratuitously obtain and use the export quantity of corresponding machinery and electronic products through independent bidding.