Life is more like a gray area.
So yes, it is a gray area in U.S. law, "Zhou says."
So yes, it is a gray area in U. s. law, "Zhou says."
Between these two extremes, there is a lot of gray area.
Do you see this gray area around the root of this tooth?
Still, there are a lot of cases in the gray area between voluntary and involuntary.
A friend was either a BFF or a mere acquaintance; there wasn't much gray area in between.
It's a key part of the corporate structure, and has now entered a gray area due to climate change.
However, for various reasons, the third-party payment has been in a gray area as a new payment.
There is no gray area when it comes to watching TV or movies, it's either produced for women or it's not.
The code in this gray area is written with the presumption that it would be cleaned up later, but then it is never done.
John Patrick Shanley won a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award for his 2005 play, which lived in the gray area between suspicion and certitude.
Matwyshyn adds that Google's legal obligations when tweaking its ranking algorithm and making editorial adjustments are still a gray area.
I do not know how to face them because I share their impressions of the I is not the same, a great gray area in my mind, I am not good girl.
Oudiette's team took on that gray area, asking subjects to hit a series of coloured buttons when shown the corresponding colours on a TV monitor.
Bynum is too concerned about his man scoring and often gets caught in a gray area, neither harassing the opposing guard nor sticking to his man.
"Where we get into the gray area," he says, "is when admission consultants get involved in writing or materially improving the content of a candidate's essays."
It would be yet another example of an entity that falls within the gray area of regulation, allowed to carry on its merry course with not very much oversight at all.
There's no in between,there's no gray area, you're either in or you're out, so scholars define this by talking about Johannine sectarianism, the insider-outsider divisions.
Manypeople assume loyalty is proven through obedience: Often unthinking andunquestioning, even when a request or directive falls into a gray area or, worse, is unethical or illegal.
In the dark gray gutter to the left of the text area, double-click to create a breakpoint. It looks like a little blue circle, as you can see in Figure 6.
Notice the small area of contact (dulled gray spot on tooth).
Scientists found increases in gray-matter density in the hippocampus—an area responsible for learning and memory.
Scientists found increases in gray-matter density in the hippocampus—an area responsible for learning and memory.