In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”.
"Nor [let] grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, /The short and simple annals of the poor" (Thomas Gray).
“既不要高贵者带着蔑视的笑容听,/穷人短暂平常的一生” (托玛斯·格雷)。
Thomas Gray, a great master in poetry, is a sentimentalism poet with some classical traits and is regarded as the forerunner of Romanticism.
The famous Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray, the outstanding poet of English sentimentalism of the 18th century, is the perfection of the sentimental literature.
The famous Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray, the outstanding poet of English sentimentalism of the 18th century, is the perfection of the sentimental literature.