Mr Olmert, who came closer to a deal than anyone realised, was once a Greater Israel man.
And if the Palestinians were enfranchised, demography suggests that a Greater Israel between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river, including Gaza, would no longer be predominantly Jewish.
Mr Obama's greater sternness towards Israel is for the general good-including Israel's.
They said they feared Syria would feel greater pressure to retaliate against Israel for the bombing if U.S. intelligence about the facility had been made public.
No matter how desperate the lot of the Palestinians, polls show that Americans feel greater sympathy for Israel, a country they can identify with.
They said they feared Syria would feel greater pressure to retaliate against Israel for the bombing if U. S. intelligence about the facility had been made public.
S. -China relations were to deteriorate; in the greater Middle East, it could again be India in addition to Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others.
S. -China relations were to deteriorate; in the greater Middle East, it could again be India in addition to Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others.