He recognized that Sanskrit, the language of India, was related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
Proto-Indo-European is a reconstructed language, meaning, it is what linguists concluded a parent language of Sanskrit, Latin and Greek would have to be like.
Maybe the languages developed from the same source language long ago, that is, maybe they are genetically related, that was what happened with Sanskrit, Latin and Greek.
Studying an ancient language like Greek or Latin will give you practice in grammar and working with complex languages.
At this time, words from Latin and Greek were included in the English language.
Latin was still the language of scholarship and so it was a Latin text that sanctioned the use of the Greek word in English medicine.
Cicero felt that the more modern Latin language could resolve and clarify the problems of Greek philosophy, as well as make it more appealing to.
His language is based on Latin, German and Greek vocabulary.
English language had grown as a result of borrowing words from French, Latin, and Greek.
The English language originates from dozens of languages such as Latin, French, German, and Greek.
There are hundreds of Latin and Greek prefixes in the English language, and the possibilities for inventing new words are endless.
You were born in Greece, and Greek is your first language, although Latin is the language of the Roman Empire.
At this time, words from Latin and Greek were included in the English language. a lot of words, or parts of words, from those languages are used in modern English.
At this time, words from Latin and Greek were included in the English language. a lot of words, or parts of words, from those languages are used in modern English.