On its own, plant and animal agriculture contributes 9 percent of all the country's greenhouse gas emissions.
The details of the greenhouse trial are published in Plant Biotechnology Journal.
And digging holes to plant saplings releases greenhouse gases from the soil.
Rocket sewage This nitrous oxide-powered rocket thruster designed at Stanford can also be used in a sewage treatment plant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Rocket Sewage This nitrous oxide-powered rocket thruster designed at Stanford can also be used in a sewage treatment plant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Stanford University.
The giant animals are estimated to have released, along with other large plant-eating mammals, around 9.6 million tonnes of the powerful greenhouse gas each year - more than 13, 000 years ago.
And the company has now signed a deal with Petroleum Development Oman for 7 megawatts of plant-a 16, 000-square-metre greenhouse providing some 57 billion btu of steam a year.
而且该公司现在已经与阿曼石油开发公司签署了7兆瓦工厂的协议- - -一个16000平方米的温室,每年大约提供570亿百万英(制)热单位(BTU)的蒸汽。
China is building a new coal-fired power plant every week and is set to surpass America as the biggest source of greenhouse gases within a year.
The plant physiological status is affected by the change of greenhouse environment, hence, the physiological status is regarded as feed back information from plant.
After you are done with talking to your plant and nurturing it for a bit, you simply stow your tools there and wheel it back to the greenhouse.
Greenhouse. nursery and floristry operations teach students to produce. store. and deliver plant species in controlled indoor environments for wholesale. commercial. research. or other purposes.
Ms. Qiu is investigating plant diseases in greenhouse.
In the greenhouse this plant can become very invasive, and nurseries consider it a pest. Leaves and bracts detach and root easily and produce multitudes of new plantlets.
The row-crop plant stand architect and canopy photosynthesis models are combining to construct sunlight greenhouse cucumber canopy photosynthesis in this paper.
The model presented here can be used to predict the temperatures of the cover, internal air, plant canopy, and soil surface of the greenhouse.
This will promote increased health and productivity within the greenhouse by eliminating 'plant water stress', one of the most significant factors in the growth of all plants.
For controlling the greenhouse environment the first step is to set up a mathematical model which describes the relationship between the external variables and the plant environment.
The experiment on plant physiology characteristics of muskmelon during late period of fruit development was carried out in solar heated greenhouse.
In order to reduce energy consumption in greenhouse, the underground heat storage system with double-film covering was designed based on the plant physiology.
It is major issue in this field, to need solving include: to further screen out water monitoring signals scientifically and to develop water monitoring instrument for plant growth in greenhouse.
The carbonatation processing adopts the flue gas discharged by an iron and steel plant to be used as a carbon dioxide source, so the emission of greenhouse gases is reduced.
The tomato is one of the main vegetables that plant in greenhouse.
You argue that attempts to attribute the degree of local changes, for example declines in individual plant and animal species, specifically caused greenhouse warming are misguided. Why?
A greenhouse study was conducted to investigate the effect of soil as on lettuce growth, its plant availability and toxic critical concentration.
In a horticultural services program, you'll learn the horticultural and business skills you'll need to run a plant nursery, an orchard, a greenhouse, a garden center, or a floral shop.
In a horticultural services program, you'll learn the horticultural and business skills you'll need to run a plant nursery, an orchard, a greenhouse, a garden center, or a floral shop.