One of the people I’ve enormously admired in recent years is Greg Mortenson.
One of the people I've enormously admired in recent years is Greg Mortenson.
Greg Mortenson, co-author of "Three Cups of Tea," has built 11 schools in the corridor through his nonprofit group, the Central Asia Institute.
《三杯茶》的合著者之一Greg Mortenson,通过他的非营利机构中亚研究所的支持在这里建了11所学校。
Greg Mortenson, co-author of "Three Cups of Tea," has built 11 schools in the corridor through his nonprofit group, the Central Asia Institute.
《三杯茶》的合著者之一Greg Mortenson,通过他的非营利机构中亚研究所的支持在这里建了11所学校。