Operational and reliability problems may arise after wind power grid integration, due to wind power's characteristics such as volatility and randomness.
A smart grid could also provide for the two-way flow of electricity, as well as large-scale integration of intermittent solar and wind energy.
This will also increase the integration of national grid, resulting in increased system reliability and a reduction in transmission losses.
Installing millions of new devices on the grid causes thousands of new integration activities that utility companies never needed to support in the past.
For instance, you could integrate it with a grid scheduler, incorporate it into your workflow scenarios like WebSphere Business Integration, and so forth.
Now that we have a very intermittent energy source that we want to insert into the grid, we need to rethink how we manage the integration of those resources.
Metadata service is one of the critical issues in the research of the database access and integration on the Grid.
To address this challenge, data grid is applied into AMS science activities as platform for the integration of data and storage resource.
The enterprise data integration based on Grid is a new integration mode, this is the foundation for the business application of grid.
The OGSA-DAI project is concerned with middleware construction to assist the access and integration of data from separate data sources via the grid.
But Italy, and Enel in particular, is gunning to be out front in a variety of smart grid areas, from EV integration to smart home integration and solar penetration.
WAMAP can strengthen the function of data integration and real line analysis, which offer the real time and supplementary decision information of power grid with high quality for dispatching people.
Services - Oriented application integration within the grid computing environment requires high automatization, dynamic and intellectuality .
This paper studies how to use software-bus for system integration inside the grid Enterprise on the basis of information system and how to construct monitor system of grid operation safe and economic.
The deformed grid is designed by the integration of the ordinal grid, and various required conditions and activities.
The research and application status on the integration technology and grid-connection technology of large-scale battery energy storage system are presented.
Through the integration of the computation, storage and communication resources, the grid can provide widely resource share for the members in the virtual organization.
This paper states some new characters of the database systems under the grid environment and analyzes two different database integration modes.
And on the basis of research, it further exploits the system of semantic grid service model applying for spam filtering which enable the spam filtering more systematization and more integration.
Thus to the grid, the crucial issue of renewable energy integration is to maintain the balance between the generation and the demand.
Since the wind energy, solar energy have the intrinsic intermittence and fluctuation, their integration into the grid will lead to the power fluctuations.
Since the wind energy, solar energy have the intrinsic intermittence and fluctuation, their integration into the grid will lead to the power fluctuations.