But before that, before the ground had even fully thawed, he taught them a perhaps more valuable skill: how to catch a fatty, nutritious fish that would sustain them in the worst of winters.
A great fish swallows him, but he prays for deliverance and the fish spews him out on dry ground.
A similar thing, called ground effect, can happen when an aircraft gets very close to the ground. Flying fish, it seems, use this effect to their advantage as they skim across the sea.
Fill your freezer with healthy choices, such as frozen fruits and vegetables, lean ground meat, veggie burgers, fish, and meatless meatballs.
On the ground floor people net live fish and pick through tanks of frogs, trussed turtles and glistening chicken feet.
He sharpened the scythes on a grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven grist-mill and grew and stored potatoes.
It is completely justified for Chinese fishermen to fish in an area that has been a traditional fishing ground for generations.
And in Arkansas, an estimated 100,000 fish went belly-up the day before 5,000 blackbirds slammed into roofs, mailboxes and the ground at full speed.
Or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below.
We also saw quite a number of dead fish which were going to be dried in the sun distributed on the ground.
The bears will be able to hibernate in caves, dig in the ground and catch fish.
Here is also a wetland under national protection. There are so many shellfish, fish, shrimp and crabs on the wet ground, which offers a rich food supply for birds.
How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground.
The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence.
Bait usually consisting of oily fish ground up and scattered on the water.
Bait usually consisting of oily fish ground up and scattered on the water.
Fishing ground will be created by releasing yellow jack fry and installing floating fish beds in order to increase the economic value of fisheries in the area.
When they came near the river, they threw down their hats on the ground and went to the river to look for fish.
A reef also serves as a nesting ground for fish eggs and larvae that eventually populate fish habitats.
Take the bird, the fish, the beast and so on increase as the theme handicraft, ground to the jade carving carves has integrated this nationality's survival consciousness and the local sentiment.
If we define an organism before we define a fish, we are on much firmer ground in defining a fish.
While salmon in the wild eat a variety of things in the ocean farm raised ones eat a high fat feed made of other fish ground into fishmeal and as a result eat even more of those toxins.
What some places have "to stick autumn fat" is consuetudinary, one to the autumn people begins ground of big fish big meat to enter fill.
Put all mushrooms into fish soup. bring to boil. add salt and ground white pepper.
He sharpened the scythes on the grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven gristmill and grew and stored potatoes.
Based on the results of investigation of jelly fish resources in the Laizhou Bay in 1996, the resources and fishing ground were predicted by using area method.
Back Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.
Black Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.
Black Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.