I spent a recent afternoon installing a hefty ground anchor, to which my bikes are now attached with a very long, alarmingly heavy, motorbike chain.
We must anchor growth on firmer ground.
For example, "good holding ground" means a sand or mud bottom into which the anchor will set well.
The jetty's aerial architecture makes it seem detached from the ground, hovering above massed vegetation that structures the site and resembling a huge sailing ship at anchor.
The piers that anchor the house to the ground and the concrete pads on which the chassis sits are constructed on-site, using local labor and conventional construction techniques.
The rationality and necessity of specification for safety factor, acceptance test and qualification of anchor in the ground anchorage standards of China, America, British and Japan are discussed.
The ground coefficient method is commonly used for internal force calculation for anti-slide piles and anchor caverns.
The truck combines crab, ground anchor truck and transportation automobile in a body.
The ground anchoring technology with the reamed end on bottom, which ACTS as a effective method to increase the load - carrying capacity of ground anchor, is drawn more and more attention.
The result shows that the ground penetrating radar can be used to detect the fractured rock zone in mine roadway and the result can be used to design anchor support in the roadway .
The ground anchor truck our company provided is used for quick screw-in and out operation of fixed guy line ground anchor in oil field.
Based on an object in Beijing, the bracing mechanism, design and the application of soil-nail wall bracing system with ground anchor are introduced.
Microsoft's approach here is to put an anchor point in ground, 'he said.
Monitoring of the stress distribution along anchor bolts is a critical issue for ground anchorage engineering.
Monitoring of the stress distribution along anchor bolts is a critical issue for ground anchorage engineering.