I've heard of ground-level ozone but can you explain what it is exactly?
While the atmosphere's ozone protects us from the sun's rays, ground-level ozone is a pollutant.
Unlike the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere, excessive ground-level ozone is tied directly to health.
WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Apart from heatwaves, higher temperatures can increase ground-level ozone and hasten the onset of the pollen season, contributing to asthma attacks.
But in the past month, Jackson has also delayed new standards on ground-level ozone and toxins from boilers—quite possibly in response to Republican grumbling.
When combined with volatile organic compounds, NOx can create smog or ground-level ozone pollution in hot stagnant weather - causing respiratory problems in humans.
He described it as an insidious gas; one that is not only an intense greenhouse gas but one that also helps create ground-level ozone, which is damaging to human health.
The pollutants often occur with high levels of other toxins such as lead, zinc, and ground-level ozone, a component of smog formed by chemical reactions between car exhausts and sunlight.
Ozone at ground level - not to be confused with the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere - is one of the major constituents of photochemical smog.
Nitrous oxide is stable at ground level but breaks down in the upper atmosphere to form compounds that trigger chemical reactions that destroy ozone.
Ground level ozone and particle pollution are the greatest threat to human health.
Ozone is one of the major pollutants at the ground level, though a good gas in the stratosphere.
Ozone is one of the major pollutants at the ground level, though a good gas in the stratosphere.