He duffed the golf ball because the club stroke the ground behind the ball before hitting it.
The lightning branches out in many different directions, causing one leader to make a connection with the ground, creating a bright return stroke.
There is a return stroke after the lightning hits the ground.
Eventually a negative stepped leader travels downward and reaches the ground, creating a return stroke.
The player takes his or her first stroke at the teeing ground.
If you get pulled wide outside the court hit that ball down the line not cross court whether you hit a ground stroke or a lob.
Canvas is painted in light colors, thrilling stroke of the brush and linear drawing lead us to romantic human vision that have no concrete body, but embrace lucidity of sky, water and ground.
The competitor again lifted the ball, placed it where it first struck the ground when re-dropped and played his next stroke.
To some, this is a brilliant stroke, cutting the ground from under the LDP, while taking the national debate forward.
In stroke play, a competitors ball comes to rest through the green in a deep rut which has not been defined as ground under repair by the Committee.
In stroke play, a competitors ball comes to rest through the green in a deep rut which has not been defined as ground under repair by the Committee.