The jamming to the airborne early warning radar is one of the main task of the ground-to-air radar jamming system.
Analyzing timeliness is important for evaluating ground-to-air radar countermeasures system. A model for analyzing the timeliness is developed from SEA method.
It was researched that all kinds of jamming modes affected the damage zone for ground-to-air missile weapon system in modern complex electromagnetism environment.
First, Miguel stole some ground-to-ground missiles but mistook them for ground-to-air missiles and, attempting to down several of Arroyo's planes, blew all our trucks up.
It offers a good reference for further research on data structure and form of CAD integrated engineering of ground-to-air missile to draw up corresponding standards and norms.
According to the air defence theory and the requirements of target allocation in anti-TBM combat, the key problems of target allocation for ground-to-air missile are researched.
依据防空反导作战理论和目标分配的要求,对防空导弹反t BM作战指挥中目标分配的关键问题进行了研究。
In this paper, some methods to analyze troops demand in ground-to-air missile operational disposition are presented systematically in different points of view for the first time.
The application of the method shows that the evaluation methos is practical and makes the evaluation for the total-property of the Ground-to-Air Missile more scientific and reasonable.
Operational effectiveness of a ground-to-air weapon system is not only an important scale reflecting the capabilities of the system, but also a basis for firepower employment of the system.
Now, one of the JSF's now selling points was that it wouldn't have to worry to much about taking on anti-aircraft fire; the jet would be so stealthy that the ground-to-air guns would never find it.
They leap to their feet, clench fists and let out long screams, clawing at the ground and air.
The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.
It removes heat from the air outside or the ground below and uses it to supply heat to a building or its water supply.
If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony.
The fridge stays cool, thanks to air from under the ground.
Air is more polluted closer to the ground.
They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow.
The English youngster noticed that pollution levels are around two-thirds higher close to the ground than they are in the air at the height where they are recorded by the agency.
Her monitor has shown that air pollution levels are higher closer to ground level, which has helped highlight concerns that babies and young kids may be at higher risk of developing lung problems.
This makes it easy to incorporate into an air or ground platform.
Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish, Kicking his way down through the air to the ground.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many British pilots, air staff, ground crew and everyone who worked so hard to support the Nato mission and the work of the NTC.
Airplanes flying faster than sound create a cone of pressurized air molecules that extends to the ground, as NASA explains.
Remember to hop your Vikings back up into the air if things get hairy on the ground, and fly critically damaged flyers back to base for repair.
Ice crystals should be plate shaped. They float in the air close to the ground reflecting light back downwards.
I managed to spot the elephants from the air and guided David to their location on the ground.
I managed to spot the elephants from the air and guided David to their location on the ground.