There may be widespread changes in ground elevation as well as horizontal or shear displacements.
By means of the existing measurement control points on the ground elevation for lofting, determine the excavation depth.
A direct result of land subsidence in Cangzhou coastal plain areas of low ground elevation loss, resulting in sinking of the railway roadbed, storm surge disasters.
In the months before, there had been a swarm of small earthquakes, along with changes in ground-water levels and the elevation of local terrain.
The upper level glass volume hovers lightly over a dark iron-spot brick base that mediates between glass and ground and negotiates the grade change along the north elevation.
It infers the location of the underground river system by joining the lowest points from ground-level elevation measurements, Hutchinson said.
Intended as a showcase for the faculty, the building features a large ground-level window on its street-facing elevation, offering views through to an exhibition space and the courtyard beyond.
The term grading means leveling the ground surfaces as needed to permit transit and operation of vehicles and equipment and to permit placement of the pipeline at the desired elevation.
It is demonstrated that the air temperature, ground temperature and their annual ranges in the Tibetan Plateau are highly correlated with corresponding latitude, longitude and elevation.
This platform used the steel structure which was quite different from the main body. The elevation is reduced to establish a close relationship with the same floor ground.
The seasonal snow cover in Urumqi River Basin varies temperally, influenced by air temperature, precipitation, moisture source, slope direction, elevation and ground surface condition.
The molded cement base surface, or by the construction elevation cannot use wear-resistant occasions, liquid curing agent is a new choice of ground protection.
A set of algorithms for extracting drainage network from digital elevation model (DEM) based on ground water overflow model is introduced.
Land subsidence is defined as natural or man-made factors affecting the ground under the conditions of emergence of the phenomenon of lower elevation.
The collection of photogrammctric data provides free elevation data in addition to the northing and easting data of the ground plane.
A complete simulation model for target tracking of a monopulse radar that works at low elevation angles with ground reflection multipath is given.
Part of the shop ground should be 1m lower than 0.000 elevation, steel column feet don't descend, RC column to the base instead.
A complete data model should be based on these three dimensions: ground, position, and elevation.
The gravel content has more close relation with position and elevation and soil thickness of ground.
The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing;
If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air.
One of the attraction points of the modest complex is the "simulation zone" which is located below ground at the upper elevation;
The collected ground true data includes topography map with scale of 1:50 000 and the corresponding Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
The collected ground true data includes topography map with scale of 1:50 000 and the corresponding Digital Elevation Model (DEM).