Equally it is conceivable at some future time that the income generated subletting a ground floor flat could be a valuable way of surviving some future recession, or supplementing a pension.
To avoid the flat ceiling space of the ground floor, I designed different ceiling heights by putting a step at the second floor.
Based on the flat on the ground, move away before installing the ground floor of debris.
The ground floor of the farmhouse is transformed into a self-contained flat with a bathroom, bedroom, lounge, kitchen and a small winter garden, which can be easily accessed by the client's mother.
For the ground floor, the flat concrete roof has a layer of gravel to prevent heat from entering the building.
The ground floor may change from home office to granny flat and back again in cycles of twenty years.
They lived in a suite of rooms with a garden, rather like a ground-floor flat.
They lived in a suite of rooms with a garden, rather like a ground-floor flat.