The payload on the test Patroller includes an optronics pod, infrared sensors, and a real-time link through radio and satellite channels to the ground station at the Canjuers Army camp.
Using the company's UAS battle-management software, airborne operators issued NATO-standard sensor and air-vehicle commands via a UHF satellite communication link and ground-station relay.
We measure electromagnetic Leak amount of TV satellite ground station, define its effect degree to ambience, so to provide reference idea for environmental protection management.
This paper deals with resource scheduling and capability analysis problems of satellite-ground station system.
And the characteristic of low cost of small satellite requires the low complexity and low cost of the infrastructure of ground station in essential.
The ability to access satellite systems reduces ground station dependence and protects against jamming and direct tracking attempts.
The ground station of satellite communication, a state key project, is also under construction.
As the satellite received a signl from a ground or earth station , a communications complex that transmitted and received satellite signals, it telayed its own signal to earth.
Satellite communications refers to the use of communications satellites orbit from a ground station to send the information sent to another one or more of the ground station.
Based on the characteristics of small mobile ground station of satellite, a kind of servo control software is designed.
Based on the characteristics of small mobile ground station of satellite, a kind of servo control software is designed.