Noyes decided that group marriage was the best way for men and women to live together.
Match-making, Romantic tour, Real Meeting, Marriage Class and Counseling, Document preparation, Group Marriage, Immigration Application, Marriage planning, gift and presentation.
Chinese ancient marriage institutions once went through the patterns of original group marriage, consanguineous group marriage, sub-consanguineous group marriage and duality marriage etc.
However, in his punaluan family he had had the good fortune to strike the highest, the classic form of group marriage, from which the transition to a higher stage can be explained most simply.
Divorce was most common in the 40 to 44 age group, and the average marriage that ended in divorce lasted 11.4 years.
And despite the internal self-discipline which each community practised-strongly discouraging marriage outside the group, for example-such cities offered endless opportunities for quiet defiance.
From age structure, the main forces of the divorce group aged from22 to 35; the stable period of marriage is between 36 and 50; after 50, divorce rate surges again.
从年龄结构看,22 ~35岁人群是离婚主力军,36 ~50岁年龄段是婚姻平稳期,50岁以上人群离婚率上扬。
Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."
位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根的婚姻与家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,在一对夫妇来她的办公室时说道:“他们生活在两个不同的世界。”
Overall, in 2003 the researchers found that 20 - to 29-year-olds were the most supportive of gay marriage; by 2010, that group had expanded upward to age 38.
Nisa Muhammad of the Wedded Bliss Foundation, a pro-marriage group, urges her college-educated sisters to consider marrying honourable blue-collar workers, such as the postman.
A father-in-law must be a man of some group of age, and with some social relations due to his daughter's marriage.
A group of people related by blood or marriage.
This marriage gauze spent the time that whole group influences 15 days, but we used many hairs!
I find that woman on the marriage certificate is my wife. Oh, she didn't take a group photo with me owing to my handsome face.
According to British media coverage, female sartorial Xierma Martin and her group makes England recently finished a special marriage gauze.
A family is made up of a group of people related by blood or marriage.
Among all societies legal marriage is usually accompanied by some kind of ceremony that expresses group approval of the union.
As a social group, love and marriage of women postgraduate students have already become a social problem.
There are a lot should to be done by the school to help this special group facing with their attitude of love and marriage.
For many, a successful marriage can be put down to attraction, devotion, patience - and true love. But one group of statisticians begs to differ.
Those poor children are too often counted on as a special group challenged by psychological health of some kind, as a result of their parents 'marriage ending.
Which age group do you want your marriage partner is in?
Furthermore, it illustrates when the form of marriage changes from simplicity to complexity, the group has better symmetry on geometry, the order of the group is h...
To study it, we should pay much attention to the marriage and family problems of the special women group.
Angela, another troubled participant in this group, wonders why their marriage has become so lopsided, so twisted.
The family that becomes photograph cognation and them is finish marriage this one " life important matter " work when, city not marriage a group of things with common features sadly arisen.
Marriage among the same age group who hold bachelor's or more advanced degrees, meanwhile, fell 4 percentage points over that time, to 52%.
Marriage among the same age group who hold bachelor's or more advanced degrees, meanwhile, fell 4 percentage points over that time, to 52%.