For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together for keynote speeches or presentations, and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions.
Vint Cerf is sitting in a meeting room in Google's London office, telling a group of schoolchildren about his career in technology and talking about the future of the Internet.
Make every meeting unique. Do something different for each meeting like changing the location, time or room layout. Sometimes the small changes will add energy to the group.
Since the English language learning group (also is called a small English Corner) has organized recently, today it was the very first activity which was hold in our meeting room.
He discussed the issue at a support group meeting of men with dementia, and it turned out that eight of the nine men in the room with PPA had had vasectomies.
In a third-floor meeting room, the group of young engineers gathered around a table cluttered with laptops and crumpled junk food wrappers, are not paid to dream.
In a third-floor meeting room, the group of young engineers gathered around a table cluttered with laptops and crumpled junk food wrappers, are not paid to dream.