The reflection spectrum, time delay, and group velocity dispersion (GVD) of the gratings are analyzed.
The group velocity dispersion properties of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) were investigated in detail by equivalent index model.
The variations of group velocity dispersion and nonlinear frequency shift with the wave frequency and film thickness are also studied.
In all the above cases, the utility for transport of terahertz pulses is limited by the high loss, or by the group velocity dispersion of the guided waves.
Based on the theory of elastodynamics, the longitudinal guided wave and flexural guided wave group velocity dispersion curves for M22 stud were calculated.
The result shows that the edged sampling mirror and the edged vacuum window can be treated as a pair of prisms, which generates negative group velocity dispersion.
And a way to calculate the group velocity dispersion is presented when the vertical flat of the wedge lens is placed toward or outward the resonator, respectively.
By using the concept of spatially induced group velocity dispersion, the propagation of Bessel-like pulsed beam which is constant beam waist in free space is studied.
The effects of phase bias and group velocity dispersion on mode locking mechanism are analyzed. The operating conditions for stable short pulse generation are obtained.
The group velocity dispersion curves of Bayleigh waves through most of the Qing-hai-Xizang Plateau are obtained, using the single-station and multiple-filtering process.
The effects of group velocity dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and nonlinearity in fiber on the performance of wavelength division multiplexing system are analyzed in detail.
The results show that the evolution of the steady-state output parameters of the system varies with the values of modulation parameters, group velocity dispersion and self phase modulation.
The results showed that the effect of group velocity dispersion(GVD) on the pulse with large chip was slight and the effect of spectral width on the self-focusing properties could be ignored.
The physical process of frequency chirped Gaussian pulses broading induced by the group- velocity dispersion has been studied.
The article discusses the differences in physical mechanism of mode locking by laser pulse injection between the dispersion region at positive group velocity and that at negative group velocity.
The chirped pulses will be compressed or broadened because of carrier-induced group-velocity dispersion when TW-SLA operates far below saturation.
Then the effects of higher-order group-velocity dispersion (GVD) on SC generation in different fibers are analyzed and contrasted in details through simulation.
Based on a scalar approximation, the group-velocity-dispersion properties of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) were investigated in detail by equivalent-index model.
Study the detailed physical process of the group-velocity dispersion-induced pulse broadening, this must be taken as prepare the ground for the founding of optical soliton in nonlinear fiber.
The effects of group-velocity mismatch and dispersion, third-order nonlinear phase modulation on pulse shape, spectrum distribution and conversion efficiency of second-harmonic pulse were discussed.
Then the effects of higher-order group-velocity dispersion (GVD) on SC generation in different fibers are analyzed and contrasted in details through simulation.
Then the effects of higher-order group-velocity dispersion (GVD) on SC generation in different fibers are analyzed and contrasted in details through simulation.