Look at groups of words, not single words.
Listen to the groups of words that end with these suffixes.
Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together.
A connective is a word that connects words or groups of words into a sentence.
I took him there. First the teacher show 4 groups of words which related with snow in screen.
I took him there. First the teacher showed 4 groups of words, which were related with snow in screen.
To improve reading speed, your eyes must take in phrases or groups of words swiftly while your mind is absorbing the ideas.
Synsets, stored in a database and identified by a unique key in the form annnnnnnn, are groups of words that refer to the same thing.
Listen to the groups of words that end with these suffixes. Can you identify a stress pattern that applies to all of the suffixes below?
As a special groups of words used in fictitious space, network terms have particular characteristics which contain abundant social culture and psychological factors.
The text chunking, as a preprocessing step for parsing, is to divide text into syntactically related non-overlapping groups of words (chunks), reducing the complexity of the ful.
The text chunking, as a preprocessing step for parsing, is to divide text into syntactically related non-overlapping groups of words (chunks), reducing the complexity of the full parsing.
These groups provide words of support for those who are unhappy.
And both of these groups remembered the words more poorly than the words that were read aloud by the people who did half the list silently and the other half aloud.
They used the same trick as before of splitting 30 participants into two groups and cueing stereotypes in their minds by getting them to unscramble words.
In other words, entirely new forms of life that did not survive or lead to other groups or species.
They had four groups learn vocabulary words using one of four instrumental pieces - slow classical, slow jazz, fast classical, and fast jazz.
But Mr Cameron's words are a strong condemnation of Islamabad's suspected links with extremist groups.
In other words she could be close to the common ancestry of both groups.
Other words contain groups of letters that have meanings of their own.
As aid to the lesson about city places, I made some flashcards. I taught them how to read by introducing sound groups of the words.
At the end of this part, by way of comparative analysis, the slight differences between several groups of adverbial words with special purpose in denying structures with close semanteme is presented.
Methods We designed 8 groups of similar sound single words and their pictures, and examined repetition of the patients with aphasia of various types.
Yes, there is a difference in the rhythm and "feel" of words and random groups.
It should pay more attention to some problems, such as guessing the meaning of words, reading in groups, etc.
In other words, the symbolic universe is not only legitimated but also modified by the conceptual machineries constructed to ward off the challenge of heretical groups within a society.
The tasks triggered substantial increases in blood pressure, heart rate and subjective stress ratings in both of the groups. In other words, similar stress levels were induced in both groups.
The tasks triggered substantial increases in blood pressure, heart rate and subjective stress ratings in both of the groups. In other words, similar stress levels were induced in both groups.