She added that genetics also play a vital role in the growing rate of obesity.
They knew there was strong global demand for food, and a growing rate of protein consumption in Asia.
Under low temperature, Chinese Cabbage is injured and its growing rate reduces, sometimes even stopping growing.
According to the speaker, which type of the country in the following has the fastest growing rate of population?
Obviously, Asia in the 20th century is the world's most rapidly growing population continent and the growing rate keep 13%.
The phenotype environmental interaction was not found in the variations of growing rate of different strains of the Nile tilapia.
未发现尼罗罗非鱼品系 间生长速度差异有何表型—环境互作效应。
The United States ranks 23rd among industrialized nations in infant mortality and has a growing rate of premature births, which defy an easy explanation.
The detailed introduction to current production scale of fiberglass, the classification of items, the gradually growing rate of fiberglass and development trend.
The paper deals with the change of Heilongjiang health expenditures during the 90 s and shows the growing rate of health expenditures behind the growing rate of GDP.
The growing rate of depression in this group may reflect growing pressure on young people to attend college and meet the high expectations of their peers and parents.
The egg mass rate, megalopa yield, growing rate and the survival rate of the young Chinese mitten crab are promoted significantly while proper ratio ground water is applied to the cultivation.
In the mid-20th century, Americans were increasingly concerned about the growing rate of heart disease and were told to ditch saturated fats - such as butter and cream - in favor of vegetable oil.
Washing machine, automat, Solar water heater, small household appliance, cookers and e-water heater have high growing rate but low relative share rate, so these are ACUMA Group's problem business.
Influences of vacuum in the melting chamber, chemical composition and specifications of Mo and Mo-Nb alloy feed stock bar growing rate, rotation rate on processing Mo-Nb alloy are analyzed in detail.
Exports of Australian wine are growing at a phenomenal rate.
After years of moving in lockstep, France and Germany are growing apart at an alarming rate.
Growing at a rate of 20% a year will impose colossal pressures on everything from staffing levels to risk control.
If you've been studying education issues for any length of time, then you know about the relationship between our nation's growing dropout rate and the massive increase in crime.
Britain's health service, already big, has been growing at a phenomenal rate.
Some aquaculture critics doubt that aquaculture can keep growing at the current rate.
Turkey's GHG emissions are growing at a rate that is among the fastest in the world.
Retail sales are still growing at a robust 16% annual rate.
The proportion of existing mines in flabby middle-age is growing as the rate of discovery of new tier-one assets has slowed over recent years.
A year ago, use was growing at an annual rate of 15 percent.
A year ago, use was growing at an annual rate of 15 percent.