The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a left-skewed bell-shaped curve.
In the next 40 years, travel was going to be on a dramatic growth curve everywhere in the world, but nowhere would the change be as great as in Southeast Asia.
Based on the data, the researchers created a chart, much like a growth curve, which estimated life expectancy based on a person's age, gender and walking speed.
In the last 10 days, Foursquare has added more than 100, 000 users. That is a pretty steep growth curve.
仅近10天,Fours quare的用户增加了超过10万人,那可是非常陡峭的一条增长曲线。
In basis of this, growth curve of ginseng suspension cell was measure.
Growth curve was made from data of cell counting.
The optimal linear linear prediction experiential optimal linear prediction and optimal linear unbiased prediction in the general growth curve model are obtained.
We investigate the admissibility of the linear estimate of random regression coefficients under a matrix loss function in general growth curve models.
Finally, robustness of the simple projection predictor in the general growth curve model with different linear predictable variable on the covariance matrix are investigated.
The admissibility of non-homogeneous quadratic form estimate of variance on the growth curve model was studied under quadratic loss function.
Relative growth curve decreased by months.
Then screen out 10 lactic bacteria which could reduce cholesterol strongly, and determine its growth curve, produce the sour ability and bear the salt.
The result of the tendency yield and meteorological yield estimated through growth curve method of Vietnam and Thailand are preferable by statistical testing.
In this paper, some researches on estimator of parameters in the growth curve model are considered.
In this paper, we consider the admissibility of linear estimates of regression coefficients in growth curve model.
The problem of conditional optimal prediction for conditional linear predictable variable in the general growth curve model is investigated.
Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?
Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve ?
Normal endothelial cells entered exponential growth stage from the 2nd day of culture, showing an "S" shape growth curve.
Results Bone marrow stem cells can attach and grow on silk fibroin films; growth curve and chromosome were normal.
We harvest the cancer cells at different time, and dye with trypan blue, counting the number of cells and drawing the growth curve.
On the base of poverty growth curve, this paper empirically analyzes whether economic growth is the pro-poor growth in China during 1978-2006.
The results show that the growth patterns of 11 species are fitted well with the actual growth curve and can be used as technique basis to cultivate seedlings.
The cell growth curve and cell cycle were also determined.
The rat MSC were uniform spindle-shaped in appearance and showed active proliferative capacity and had s shape of growth curve.
This paper discusses childhood growth curve fitting by nonparametric models, and provides two methods for nonparametric curve fitting: smoothing spline and kernel estimator.
Morphology and growth curve of MSCs: The growth of cells were observed by phase contrast microscope (OLYMPUS CK40), and digital imaging system (OLYMPUS DP50) was applied to record.
The proliferation ability was investigated by cell growth curve and MTT detection.
Regional flood frequency analysis for un-gauged basins included selecting a pooling-group, estimating the index flood, deriving pooled growth curve and fitting flood frequency curve for tested basin.
Description of the tree diameter growth using tree age as independent variable may thus give an inflection point of the growth curve.