What we saw in Mac, grew 23% at worldwide level, compared to market growth of 3%, grew 8x market rate.
The value model will have inputs such as market size, growth rate, prices, discounts, and lead-in to sales of other products; the model computes how these combined inputs translate to license sales.
Dell's market share has declined and its growth rate has fallen behind that of the industry as a whole.
Since the 1990s, the annual growth rate of China's economy has exceeded 9% on average. However, the index of the stock market has declined repeatedly.
The higher rate of growth in this market, when compared to the other industry segments, is attributed to both an increase in volume and sales of higher value systems.
The worldwide market for GMC systems is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of roughly 7.0% over the next five years, according to a new ARC Advisory Group study.
Although quantitative growth is rapid, of Chinese hotel market enter on average rate not allow however hopeful.
Market growth rate relative market share matrix, in order to achieve the cash flow balance through the combination of business optimization.
From the international market, in 1963 and 1983 these 20 years, all over the world screw compressor 30 annual growth rate of sales.
Strong growth in unit wage costs against the backdrop of a tight-looking jobs market might limit the Fed's scope for rate cuts.
At present, Chinese wine consumption is at an annual growth rate of 30%, and in the formation of the multi-billion market.
In today's world, with the exception of e-commerce market, other than any market is immune to such a high growth rate, so its very considerable market prospect.
E-commerce market in each country to more than 50 percent of the rate of growth.
As proof of Apple's superiority, its market share in the second quarter of 2015 rose in comparison to its leading competitor, Samsung (although the growth rate for total smartphone sales declined).
The biggest growth dyi hurricane shutters market is in the US with an impressive growth rate of 25%.
Specify what top-line revenue is expected of the new business and how that relates to the market size and anticipated growth rate.
The worldwide market for process automation systems is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6% over the next five years.
Through analysis of the output of automobiles and the growth rate from 1977 to 2002, car market in the year of 2003 is predicted.
通过对1977 ~ 2002年我国汽车产量及产量增长率走势的分析,预测了2003年轿车市场。
Over the last year, the Perth market and the Darwin market have seen large amounts of growth, which were largely undeterred by the rate rise.
China's Human Resources Outsourcing market has exceeded the average growth rate of China's GDP growth rate more than doubled, the development prospect is broad.
In 2008, the growth rate of Chinese wireless advertising market scale will continue to enlarge.
The western developed countries plant medicine market growth rate of 20 per cent or more, considerably more than the rate of growth of chemicals.
Asia's emerging-market growth engines appear to be downshifting in the face of rising inflation and interest rate hikes.
Market profit rate is the investors' evaluation about the enterprises' profiting ability. The high or low of it depends on the enterprises' future growth.
Market profit rate is the investors' evaluation about the enterprises' profiting ability. The high or low of it depends on the enterprises' future growth.