What is the growth trend for the Brazilian industrial PC market?
Especially the growth trend of Beijing moving company is very obvious.
Business cycles are the recurrent fluctuation in GDP around a long-term growth trend.
On the other hand, went to Japan cruise tourism in recent years also showed rapid growth trend.
The growth trend and current application of heavy pyrolysis gasoline fraction was introduced generally.
According to travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.
According to travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.
Looking at the growth trend between YouTube and Gmail shows how dramatically Gmail has grown over the past year.
It is classified as the boom phase when the economy is performing above the growth trend, and a recession when it underperforms.
So there is a growth trend here that sweeps away month-to-month variations in sales levels due to supply shortages or economic conditions.
由于供应短缺和经济情况的变动,混合动力汽车的月销量也时有波动。 但考虑到混合动力汽车的增长趋势,这种波动不足为虑。
With the universality of the air condition unit and improvement of living level, the building energy consumption have a big growth trend.
It has become an important question for study topic how to control the growth trend of traffic accidents and reduce the damage to the society.
It's always good to know the growth trend of each object and the overall database to help you plan ahead for disk space requirements and database tuning.
Enormous amount of information on the Internet, and organization of knowledge that exist within the number of documents are also explosive growth trend.
Last year, China's newly installed capacity of solar and wind energy has risen to about 30% of the world's new capacity, and the growth trend may continue.
According to the China Disease Prevention and Control Center researcher Gong Xiangdong, said: Since 2001, China's AIDS incidence showed rapid growth trend.
First, we analyze the fundamental statistical information about the field, such as growth trend, high productivity authors, highly cited documents and so on.
Analysis of the current peasants' income structure as well as its growth trend shows that export of labor services is an effective way of raising immigrants' income.
If medical cost growth trend is curbed, will give social family more brought heavy burden, the residents of medical services will be more effective demand is restrained.
The carrier also continues to maintain that it is "confident" that the growth trend would continue and passenger Numbers will remain strong, as competitors continue to reduce capacity.
Supply by China's coking coal market assumes a growth trend in recent years. But the capacity of high quality supply is insufficient, while the capacity of low quality supply is surplus.
In recent years, the phenomenon of discipline violations of college students in tests has showed growth trend, and students who disobeyed the discipline will repeat violations frequently.
These regression equations will reveal growth laws of seedlings from seeds of D. strictus. At similar raising conditions, they have practical effects on the prediction of growth trend of the seedling.
A brief description is given of the development and application of large energy?saving ammonia converters by ICI, Uhde, Braun and Ammonia Casale, and the growth trend of these converters is discussed.
A brief description is given of the development and application of large energy?saving ammonia converters by ICI, Uhde, Braun and Ammonia Casale, and the growth trend of these converters is discussed.