It's possible that the crisis will become so severe that the eu will be forced to issue euro bonds, guaranteed by all the member nations, to cover the debt.
Since these bonds would be guaranteed by the European Union as a whole, they would offer a way for troubled economies to avoid vicious circles of falling confidence and rising borrowing costs.
The difference in yields on Treasury debt and mortgage bonds guaranteed by Fannie has narrowed roughly 0.7 percentage points.
If Europe decided to issue euro-zone bonds—debt guaranteed by all euro-zone members—CIC would consider becoming a purchaser, he said afterwards.
The rest would often have their bonds guaranteed by AAA-rated bond-insurance companies, helping buyers sidestep painful due diligence.
Provisional measures may take the form of provisional countervailing duties guaranteed by cash deposits or bonds equal to the amount of the provisionally calculated amount of subsidization.
In the past, the Treasury bonds were considered most reliable because of the state guaranteed credit quality.
The Bank of England recognises this issue. Its employees are guaranteed an inflation-linked pension so it meets that promise by buying inflation-linked bonds.
In contrast, covered bonds have payments that are bank-guaranteed regardless of how poorly the packaged loans perform.
In contrast, covered bonds have payments that are bank-guaranteed regardless of how poorly the packaged loans perform.