Pandemic influenza preparedness and response: a WHO guidance document.
Figure 18: Published document — template and guidance elements added to the illustrations section.
This is because software developers lack structured guidance; the few books on the topic are relatively new, and they only document collections of best practices.
Therefore, for more guidance/detailed-instructions of how to perform some of the following tasks, please refer to earlier in this document (for example Chapter 3).
因此,要获取更多关于如何执行下列一些步骤的指南/详细说明,请参阅上文(例如第 3章)。
The ISO document can simply state that a particular aspect of the language is "implementation defined" and provide no further guidance.
I just saw it as a document to put my life learnings in, so I could refer regularly for insights and guidance.
The XSLT 2.0 document issued by the W3C (see Resources) specifies 49 elements in the XSLT namespace, including 14 new ones, and provides guidance about non-XSLT elements that might be present.
W3C发布的XSLT 2.0文档(请参阅参考资料)在XSLT名称空间中规定了49种元素,包括新增的14种,并对可能出现的非xslt元素提供了指南。
Work restrictions, as described in the guidance document, apply only to the symptoms and health of the employee.
It also offered guidance on modifying the Document Management portlets to use the LTPA token approach.
The purpose of this document is to provide additional quick installation guidance on installing IBM Cognos TM1 9.5 and upgrading existing TM1 models.
本文的目的是提供安装IBMCognosTM1 9.5和升级现有 TM1模型的补充性快速安装指南。
The most important guidance provided in the new document is in intermediate-risk patients.
The technical design document is to change the overall process of cadastral survey of the guidance document. Specific problem, do the specific supplement.
The new guidance applies to all unapproved drugs, but the agency is working on another guidance document to evaluate the cardiovascular safety of drugs already approved.
This document provides interim guidance on the use of masks in communities that have reported community-level outbreaks caused by the new Influenza a (H1N1) virus.
本文件提供了在据报告新的甲型H1N 1流感病毒导致流感暴发的社区内使用口罩的临时指南。
Note: : Readers are advised to consult the SA8000 guidance Document for interpretative guidance with respect to this standard.
The technological tender is the main part of tender book it is a promise for the inviting to a tender organization and a guidance document after being chosen in the tender book.
NOTE: Throughout the document, guidance is provided to the suppliers in italics.
Writing the system architecture design under the guidance of enterprise architect, complete the system detail design document, and lead the developers to finish the coding and unit test.
Curriculum standards are to provide for the nature of a particular curriculum subjects, curriculum ideas, content objectives, the implementation of the proposed guidance document for teaching.
The document provides guidance on the basic competences that contractors dealing with such refrigerants should have.
该文件将成为欧洲承建商在 处理使用温室制冷剂设备所拥有的基本权限的指导。
This document has been produced to provide guidance for buyers and stock managers and to help raise awareness of good stock management.
The contractor shall construct strictly in accordance with the specifications of the installation guidance and related document (manual) as well as related construction drawings.
Thus a powerful reading guidance system must be set up as far as the colossal and complicated document information center is concerned, so that it can aid patrons in retrieving and using documents.
This document gives step-by-step guidance to OTS applicants and helps them complete the online application smoothly.
Under the guidance of the spirit of the document and in connection with the defects in the education field, educational practitioners and theorists put forward the notion of quality education.
See Caveats and Drafting Notes at end of document for further guidance on use of this template.
See Caveats and Drafting Notes at end of document for further guidance on use of this template.