There have been genuine cases of gum gumming up intestines.
There are relationships between the gumming property of sericin and the gelation.
Cleanser and protective glue cycles automatically, washing the gumming roller automatically.
Dozens of antibiotics - including tetracycline and clindamycin - work by gumming up the ribosomes inside bacteria.
Not as happy as it would have made him to see her stop gumming on the barrel of her toy gun, but he wasn't complaining.
Gumming system ensure that protective gum immersing the all the pores of PS plate, avoiding PS plate oxidation happening;
The de-gumming method and process of palm leaf and it's physical properties are probed. It's chemical composition analyzed.
It can decrease such questions such as manual folding, gumming and sealing. Furthermore, the product can enhance quality and productivity efficiency.
The manifold has two containers full of various sorts of rubber and plastic that are particularly good at gumming things up (Mr Wells prefers to call this a "bridging agent").
WITH 500 barrels of hard-set cement now gumming up the Macondo well, a number of inquiries are looking back at the loss of the Deepwater Horizon rig and the subsequent spilling of 5m barrels of oil.
WITH 500 barrels of hard-set cement now gumming up the Macondo well, a number of inquiries are looking back at the loss of the Deepwater Horizon rig and the subsequent spilling of 5m barrels of oil.