The parents gonna be gun toting all the time, so what if you piss them off one day, they'll be like…
父母们会不停的举枪。 万一你哪天惹怒了他们,他们就会…
"The wishes in our hearts to sacrifice for our motherland enable us to endure the hardship," said Gao Teng, a machine-gun toting soldier from Jiangxi province.
I am no longer apprehensive of being perceived as a gun toting, trigger happy fanatic, even though I still endeavor to educate my friends and relatives on the beauty of this sport.
They are too frightened to speak out against the gun-toting thugs.
Moss scampers off with the dough because he must, and the gun-toting demons who chase him have no choice, either.
So, what is the motivation behind the invading hoards of gun-toting extraterrestrials in "Battle: Los Angeles"?
A decade later, shortly after TWA Flight 847 took off from Athens in 1985, two gun-toting terrorists forced their way into the cockpit, demanding that the plane touch down in Lebanon.
ABOUT 30 yards from a machine-gun-toting policeman guarding the American embassy in London stands a smart town house.
From the bar's doorway, a biker with a long oily ponytail pointed at the gun-toting young men. "There they are!
So, every time a woman breaks a new barrier the rest of us tend to cheer -- even if she's running a pollution-producing company or toting a gun in some ill-considered war.
The sprawling district, 7,200 square miles (18,600 square km) of it, is mostly rural, full of dairy farms and with its fair share of gun-toting deer-hunters.
At the station, the group is met by a pair of gun-toting police officers, on guard for an escaped con, and by a set of Baskerville servants.
In his research in developing Bane, Filoni came across an unlabeled concept illustration from the original Star Wars trilogy of a gun-toting spacer with a wide-brimmed hat.
When employees are armed with legal knowledge, a gun-toting boss will think twice before going berserk.
Eastwood may have an on-screen reputation for gun-toting but he describes himself as an old softie.
To learn more about Greece and the Greeks, he meets an extraordinary cast of characters, from gun-toting priests to the last remaining sponge divers.
To learn more about Greece and the Greeks, he meets an extraordinary cast of characters, from gun-toting priests to the last remaining sponge divers.