The gyro-compass is one of most important instruments in the ships navigation, its repeater must be able real-time, accurately to respond the ships direction.
According to the gyro-compass structure and the characteristic, this article introduced one kind methods of the ships repeater compass development based on DSP embedded as microprocessor.
Gyroscope drift and its measurement. B. Principle of typical gyroscope instruments, such as gyro compass, gyro north finder, gyro horizon, platform compass, rate gyroscope and integrating gyroscope.
Turn graduated disc of main gyro compass to comply with the graduated disc of Repeaters. Then install synchro.
The sensitivity is not enough. The gyro compass does not respond when the course changed within 1.5 degrees.
Let's check and calibrate the gyro compass.
This paper introduces the studying of a new kind of oscillograph-virtual digital-storage oscillograph of the gyro compass, and talks about its application of upholding the gyro compass.
The logger can be used in combination with the Spectran to record GPS, Gyro, Tilt, compass and acceleration data altogether with the recordings of the Analyzer.
Another device, such as a radio compass or a gyro compass, used FOR determining geographic direction.
The course indication of Repeaters does not match that of gyro compass.
This paper presents a method of setting up a speed-reference during sea trial, which USES the DGPS and stabilized gyro compass onboard ship.
This paper presents a method of setting up a speed-reference during sea trial, which USES the DGPS and stabilized gyro compass onboard ship.