All of this information gives scientists a picture of what the surface layer of dirt looks like now and whether or not it might have been a habitable area at some point in the planet's past.
Recently the police did a spot check on Madame Jolivet's apartment and recorded the actual habitable surface area as just 5 sq m - that's the size of about six or seven beach towels.
That's the area where scientists believe water could exist, in liquid form, making a planet potentially habitable.
With the ice cap covering most of the island, the west coastal area is the only place habitable.
NASA's Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.
These neat and clean streets as well as afforesting and greening in urban area where residents might be habitable brought me a first impression on here.
These neat and clean streets as well as afforesting and greening in urban area where residents might be habitable brought me a first impression on here.