The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, changed the history of architecture - it changed the way people saw space.
The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey was the largest place of worship for 1, 000 years, until Seville Cathedral was built in 1520.
HAGIA SOPHIA, TURKEY: the soaring cathedral, also called the Church of Holy Wisdom, was built in 537 B.C. at Constantinople, today's Istanbul.
Hagia Sophia Museum, which is considered as one of the eight wonders of the world, also occupies a prominent place in the history of art and architecture.
The hotel is centrally located in Bosphorus, allowing easy access to several local attractions such as Galata, Maiden's Tower, Sultanahmet, and Hagia Sophia.
Byzantine churches, domed and decorated with mosaics, proliferated throughout the Byzantine Empire; most notable is the Hagia Sophia (532-537), built by Eastern emperor Justinian I at Constantinople.
最著名的有圣索菲亚大教堂(532- 537年),由东罗马帝国国王查士丁尼一世在君士坦丁堡修建。
Byzantine churches, domed and decorated with mosaics, proliferated throughout the Byzantine Empire; most notable is the Hagia Sophia (532-537), built by Eastern emperor Justinian I at Constantinople.
最著名的有圣索菲亚大教堂(532- 537年),由东罗马帝国国王查士丁尼一世在君士坦丁堡修建。