Full width half Maximum (FWHM) : the width of a curve (for example, the PSF) at half of it's peak value.
As metastable atoms deexcite, the vapor velocity and temperature increase, the peak value of the velocity distribution function shifts rightward, and the half width increases.
According to the method, the relative overdamping can be expressed in a linear function of the product of the width of half peak of the response curve by the nature frequency of the geophone.
Obvious error of peak value may appear if the signals with small full width at half-maximum (FWHM) were filtered with traditional smoothing and de-noising approaches.
The corresponding peak value position, half band-width and peak value's allowance of Red, Green and Blue of color measurements of color negative films are provided.
The actual gain peak value is much smaller than the simplified mode of F-P cavity, but the effect is light to the full width at half maximum with the mode of efficient cavity length.
有效腔长使实际增益峰值比f - P腔简化模型的预测值要小,但对半值全宽带宽的影响相对较弱。
In this paper resolving power of diffraction gratings and its measuring methods in width at half height of central peak are described.
The half width of transmission peak is steppedly reduced and the Q-factor on the confined state is steppedly increased with the increasing of the dielectric thickness in well.
Optical microcavity arouses great interest in condensed state physics. It can change characters of spontaneous emission, such as spectral full width at half-maximum, light intensity at peak and so on.
Optical microcavity arouses great interest in condensed state physics. It can change characters of spontaneous emission, such as spectral full width at half-maximum, light intensity at peak and so on.