In this case there is a rather good correlation between resistance, half-cell potential and corrosion rate mapping.
The corrosion of the reinforcing steel in concrete is an electrochemical process, and the half-cell potential is on of the utmost characters in estimating the condition of the rebar.
After an hour and a half, I pulled my cell phone out to call the friends I was supposed to meet that evening.
In one recent US survey, about half the teens polled said that their cell phone had improved their communication with friends.
Cell phones account for about half of all operating revenue in China's telecom industry, with short message and wireless Internet services seen as important growth sectors, the agency said.
The United States invented the modern solar cell over a half century ago.
Half of Europe is opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
But if two laptop users try to download at 21mbps from the same cell tower, the highest speed each consumer will see is cut in half.
Q-Cells, Germany's largest wafer manufacturer (the wafer is the step between the refined silicon and the finished solar cell) has seen its market value drop by half over the past year.
德国最大的太阳能多晶硅电池生产厂商Q - Cells(多晶硅制造是介于精制硅和成本太阳能之间的工序),其市场价值在过去的一年已经下跌一半。
To record the union of cell and vesicle, the researchers created vesicles and cell membranes with half of a fluorescent compound.
Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.
About half of all melanoma patients have a mutated BRAF gene. This mutation tells the cell to continue to grow.
Indeed, around half of the drugs currently on the market work by interacting with proteins in the cell membrane.
In addition, of the users in the United States, half sleep with a cell phone or other electronic device nearby, and married couples usually do not share cell phones.
He found a rope in his cell that was half as long enough to permit him to reach the ground safely.
According to a study that came out last fall, nearly half the kids 8 to 12 years old in the U.S. own cell phones, with most getting their first phone between ages 10 and 11.
However, it will take time for fuel cells to penetrate markets now served by other power sources, and commercial demand will continue to account for less than half of all fuel cell spending in 2016.
In other words, there was no smoking gun found that links moderate cell phone use, defined in the study as under a half hour a day, with brain cancer.
With a number of products now on the market, electric power generation applications accounted for well over half of all commercial fuel cell sales in 2006.
Sickle-cell disease is characterized by a modification in the shape of the red blood cell from a smooth, donut-shape into a crescent or half moon shape.
Experts also said people who averaged half an hour a day of cell phone conversations over a span of 10 years had greater odds of developing cancer.
If your cell phone goes off during an exam, I come up there. I grab your paper, I tear it in half, and I give you a zero.
And yet a study from the same year of the wireless spectrum devoted to cell phone signals in New York City found that almost half of that spectrum was in use.
And a study carried out earlier this year found that critically ill children whose red blood-cell counts had dropped by half fared no better after a transfusion than those who did not receive one.
The edges of pins and blockages must be at least one half the minimum spacing away from the cell boundary.
WebWatcher cites data from the Pew Research Center that states some 75% of those aged 12-17 now own cell phones, and half of teens send over 50 messages per day.
In the first half of this century, scientists still assumed that the cell was a fairly simple blob of protoplasm.
In the first half of this century, scientists still assumed that the cell was a fairly simple blob of protoplasm.