"An iPad?" I ventured, half-jokingly.
"Where should we grab some food?" Perhaps no other question has motivated more consumer technology entrepreneurs. Well, I say that only half-jokingly.
Reflecting the very height of exuberance and expectation, John Dowling, 69, a retired packaging foreman for Budweiser, only half-jokingly asked for a prescription for 1,000 pills.
If you are driving through Norway at dusk and see a farmhouse with its lights on and its doors open, do not stop, he warns, only half jokingly.
The dean says that they will bring an interesting perspective to the class, although, at least half jokingly, he worries about the first time he has to give either a bad grade.
Half jokingly, he said, I don't know why you people like to take protein supplement.
Half hidden in the depths of the litchi orchard was a white apiary run by the warm springs commune which they jokingly referred to as the bees'mansion.
She frowned at him, only half - jokingly.
After knowing this study, my friend half jokingly said, "now, I know why so many men working out at the gym!"
Once managers would say jokingly, " I know that half of what I spend on advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half."
Once managers would say jokingly, " I know that half of what I spend on advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half."