I'm living in a hall of residence.
A Jumen North hall, the main hall of residence, sits.
Jumen North hall, the main hall of residence, sits. Face width three.
I gave a copy to every student in my hall of residence and a few to friends from other colleges.
Each Hall of Residence has its own character, and all have a full range of practical and social facilities.
Meet outside of your residence hall and wait for further instructions.
Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks.
As a chaplain in a university residence hall, I am supposed to uphold all of the school rules, which include a ban on pets.
The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era.
It is only two years since he took up his residence at Baskerville Hall, and it is common talk how large were those schemes of reconstruction and improvement which have been interrupted by his death.
The harmony of colours perfectly fits August Kunnapu's large-format paintings in the residence entrance hall and with smaller pictures in the doctor's waiting room.
色彩的协调完美的匹配了在入口大厅处august Kunnapu的大幅绘画和医生候诊室里的小幅图片。
The harmony of colours perfectly fits August Kunnapu's large-format paintings in the residence entrance hall and with smaller pictures in the doctor's waiting room.
色彩的协调完美的匹配了在入口大厅处august Kunnapu的大幅绘画和医生候诊室里的小幅图片。