Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether.
Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N. Y. , says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether.
Originally from New York, she graduated with honors from Hamilton College with a concentration in foreign languages and economics.
Or, put another way by co-author Stephen Wu of Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., those surrounded by unhappy people may not feel so bad for themselves.
或用另一位来自纽约克林顿哈密尔顿学院合作者史蒂芬•吴(Stephen Wu)的话来讲,当身边的人越是不开心,自己反而不会觉得很糟糕。
Professor Stephen Wu of Hamilton College added: 'This result is consistent with other research that shows that people judge their well-being in comparison to others around them.
J. D. Ross, a new media director at Hamilton College in upstate New York, helped trace the sites to Roomsurf — in part through an alias used on Facebook by the Web site’s founder, Justin Gaither.
Ross是一名新媒体总监,就职于纽约州北部的汉密尔顿学院。 他跟踪这些页面找到了Roomsurf,这一成功的举动部分归功于他利用Roomsurf的原始创办人Justin Gaither在Facebook上的账号化名登入。
Researchers from the University of Warwick and Hamilton College in New York said that previous studies have shown 'happy' nations had high suicide rates, with Denmark often singled out as an example.
华威大学和汉密尔顿学院的研究人员称,先前的研究表明“快乐” 的国家自杀率很高,丹麦就是一个例子。
In places like Des Moines, that often means young people leave to explore the country when they reach college age, but eventually head back home, says Hamilton-Morris.
In places like Des Moines, that often means young people leave to explore the country when they reach college age, but eventually head back home, says Hamilton-Morris.