They are traditionally crafted by hand from materials such as clay, wood or metal.
These mechanisms suffered from their proprietary nature, the performance issues associated with database access from a mediation, and the maintenance issues of working with a hand-crafted solution.
Will we soon see besuited art dealers hawking their products from disused stores on Oxford Street? These really are the last few skulls and the jewels were hand-crafted …
The miniaturist from Edinburgh has made his hobby a full-time career, creating hand-crafted pieces including mini everyday household items such as mini shaving brush and razor and kitchenware.
You can find everything from hand crafted linen clothing, to jewellery and even coffee (for the addicts) in the way of a trendy cafe on the main cobble-stoned street and we lap it up.
小镇上各类物品应有尽有,手工制作的亚麻衣物、珠宝饰物,甚至还有咖啡售卖。 这家时髦的咖啡店坐落在鹅卵石铺就的主街上,专为咖啡爱好者开设,正中我们这一行人下怀。
Dials, hands and bezels I make hand-crafted from the most different solid materials.
The Mash is our seasonal brew, expertly crafted from ingredients hand-selected by the brew Master.
Kate opted to use sugar flowers on her cake, delicate hand-made blooms crafted from gum paste and spun sugar, among other edible items.
Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware.
Hand-crafted from the most wonderful butter-soft sheepskin leather.
Hand-crafted from the finest available ingredients by artisan pastry chefs. Never adding any softeners (SP oil), preservatives, artificial colors, baking powder, flavor additives.
Hand-crafted from the finest available ingredients by artisan pastry chefs. Never adding any softeners (SP oil), preservatives, artificial colors, baking powder, flavor additives.