On the other hand, the dynamic approach provides more flexibility, allowing you to add and remove tag declarations at run time.
You, on the other hand, have no use for accessing row contents inside the tag, since you have to build up the table from scratch inside the handler to respond to your dynamic table shape.
XML is meant to be human readable, so use tag names and attribute names that are relevant to the business problem at hand.
The little giraffe is light in her hand, but when she turns it over to read the tiny price tag stuck to the bottom of its feet she puts it down immediately.
Too many cooks: if you have to tag your code in a Version Control System and then hand it over to another team to compile, then yet another team to deploy, that's always going to be hard.
You can add custom classes, on the other hand, to any HTML tag that makes sense to you.
You can see the tag cloud on the right-hand side of Figure 1. It is a list of tag terms with some rendered in larger type or in boldface depending on their frequency of use.
Now, with the contents of the XML test file in hand, I use the value-of tag to print the name of the test run followed by a carriage return with the XSL: text tag (see Listing 5).
现在得到了XML测试文件的内容,我使用value - of标签打印运行的测试名,后面通过xsl:text标签增加了回车换行符(如清单5所示)。
On the other hand, Google provides a way to surface gadgets on any Web page using an HTML script tag.
With the DOM version in hand, I use XPath queries to get any tag on the page where the vevent class occurs, and I pass those nodes on to parse_event.
Company printing: clothing, luggage tag on, washing mark (wash mark), samples, brochures, non-carbon replication, report, the single, hand carry bags, stickers, plastic bags production and printing.
It widely used in hand paper bags, tag, decoration, toys, printing and furniture, craft weaving and packaging and other fields.
Collapsible Coiler - Rotates on Large Ball Bearings? Power Drive Assembly or Hand Operated? Large Heavy Duty Casters? Floor Lock Brakes? Guide ring? Tool and Tag Tray.
The boy and the 300-to 800-pound animals often played tag, with Jeff and the dolphins racing around the pool to slap a predetermined point, or giving each other hand-to-flipper high-fives.
男孩与这些体重300- 800磅的动物经常玩捉猫猫游戏——杰夫和海豚们绕着水池跑,拍击预先设定好的点,或者给对方一个手鳍相击。
The boy and the 300-to 800-pound animals often played tag, with Jeff and the dolphins racing around the pool to slap a predetermined point, or giving each other hand-to-flipper high-fives.
男孩与这些体重300- 800磅的动物经常玩捉猫猫游戏——杰夫和海豚们绕着水池跑,拍击预先设定好的点,或者给对方一个手鳍相击。