At this point, Selenium throws its hands up in the air, there is very little it can do.
I ask her if her family know she's homeless and she throws her hands up in the air and rolls her eyes in horror.
Below, she saw men whirling, wreathed in flame, hands up in the air as if caught in the throes of some mad dance.
"When we first saw this happen, I had grad students throwing their hands up in the air, yelling," Dr. Fenton said.
“当我们第一次看到这些发生的时候,我的研究生有人大声叫嚷着挥手,”Dr .Fenton说。
The chamberlains who were entitled to carry the train, bowed down so as to lift up from the floor with their hands. They strode along, and behaved as though they held something in the air.
This means trying to get the body as high (up in the air that is) as possible without letting the hands go until the lose touch with the hold through the momentum of the body.
Still the hands were up in the air.
Mills held up his hands and made an outline of Ayers Rock in the air.
Countries in the region should join hands and speed up infrastructure construction including rail, road, air and water transportation.
Several pirates appeared on deck and moved up to the bow with their hands in the air in surrender.
He left that one hanging in the middle of the air, smiling and extending his hands palms-up to show me that he didn't like to talk about money.
We jumped up quickly, and saw a little boy waving his hands in the air.
'How could we live without a tent?' asked Mercedes, throwing up her hands in the air.
People see the hands in the air, and the atmosphere gets warmed up gradually.
People see the hands in the air, and the atmosphere gets warmed up gradually.