Our community billboard urges people to keep the environment neat and tidy, not to hang clothes out on the balcony and behave politely in public.
On the first day of the Spring Festival, people hang out wearing new clothes.
I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes there.
Actually, in some, you can even see corners of clothes hang out forlornly over the shelf edge, constantly being squashed because it's stopping the door from fulling closing.
His clothes argue poverty. Mind you wrap up well if you go out. Are these clothes for everyday wear. Hang out the clothes on the line.
Being out in the yard, smelling freshly washed towels, and with the sun on my back, I was suddenly in my yard I grew up in-helping my grandmother hang out the clothes.
Handan, China - When residents of this northern Chinese city hang their clothes out to dry, the black fallout from nearby Handan Iron and Steel often sends them back to the wash.
For example, in the entrance, the pipe runs from side to side roundly and it makes out the entrance gate, and if you hang curtains instead of clothes, it will make out the fitting room.
Please help me hang the clothes out .
It's really weird to live in a place without balcony, but nowadays, it's a very common phenomenon for many people who live in bungalows, they just set up some racks or ropes to hang out the clothes.
Squeeze the water out of the washed clothes with hands gently, lay flat to dry. Do not twist or hang dry to avoid deformation.
When I entered high school I was a (n) A-student, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to hang out with the guys.
When I entered high school I was a (n) A-student, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to hang out with the guys.