Now markets have reached a stage, in the biggest economies at least, where the carry trade looks hard to pull off.
That’s hard to swallow in an industry where “a buck” is code for $1 million, and where top producers can pull down 20 or 30 “bucks” a year, or even more.
It's a hard assignment to pull off, and I have some methodological concerns with the study.
But it is still a hard trick to pull off, and it has not happened often.
But it's hard to imagine too many other figures in world football with the guts to take such a bold step, much less to pull it off.
Lars von Trier has a reputation for being hard on his actors and for Icelandic singer Bjork's acting debut, he certainly didn't pull any punches.
However Michael reiterated that though it might be hard to accept that a devloper or a tester does not have anything to do, it is essential to follow the WIP rule else the pull system would not work.
Even if many of those are low-end devices and incompatibility between them continues to make life hard for developers, the Android ecosystem is starting to exert a powerful pull.
Muscles will only contract forcefully a certain number of times before they refuse to pull hard again.
Secret behind the fab abs is a lot of hard work - Along with Pull-ups and chin-ups, I also do around 500 ab crunches!
背后的秘密工厂绝对值是许多艰苦的工作-随着推器和引体向上 ,我也约 500从头紧缩!
But even a plan like this - which would move only about 60 people - has been hard to pull off.
This can be hard to pull off effectively and should only be attempted by those who really have a gift for sarcasm.
It was a hard pull to get up the hill.
You can touch it, or even give a hard pull at its tail, without causing it to move or wake up.
History has taught us that it's very hard for an NBA team to pull a "Mr."
Wa 8506 is a high shine, middle-hard wax emulsion. It has slightly pull up but can not make color of the leather harden. Wa 8506 can improve power of resistance to water.
WA 8506是一支中硬型高光泽蜡剂,轻微变色,喷涂在皮革上不会使革面变深,能增强涂饰的耐水膨胀性。
Wa 8506 is a high shine, middle-hard wax emulsion. It has slightly pull up but can not make color of the leather harden. Wa 8506 can improve power of resistance to water.
WA 8506是一支中硬型高光泽蜡剂,轻微变色,喷涂在皮革上不会使革面变深,能增强涂饰的耐水膨胀性。