When designing new language features, it's hard to predict what developers will do with them, how they will change coding patterns, or in what ways developers will be frustrated by their shortcomings.
This enables what I like to dub progressive programming, which enables a level of quality checking during coding — it's hard to get much earlier!
Sometimes it is hard for us to extract ourselves from coding and then see the “big picture”.
When I see how much more can be accomplished when an amazing tool like this takes away trivial coding tasks, it is hard to see how any professional could afford to avoid using a tool like Eclipse.
Of course coding the application is not as hard as in former times, when AOP and Spring did not exist.
当然给应用程序编码并不会像以前那样复杂,那时AOP与Spring 尚并不存在。
Combined with various applications in image coding and compression, lifting scheme transform is compared with wavelet transform in both hard realization and computation burden.
Experimental results for the hard fault set of the ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits show that the proposed method, which is superiority to hybrid coding, is an efficient compression method.
Experimental results for the hard fault set of the ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits show that the proposed method, which is superiority to hybrid coding, is an efficient compression method.