All 27 EU members have harmonised their stance on this for once.
Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products.
Important definitions are clarified to ensure the directive is applied in a harmonised manner throughout the EU.
In the case of a harmonised monograph, is it possible to use a reference standard from a different pharmacopoeia?
The agreement says that in future harmonised chargers will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
China is a contracting party to the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System.
Eventually, he says, he would like to sell most of UniCredit's loans, once European securitisation markets are harmonised.
This new version of the technical annex will increase the number of harmonised frequency bands that can be used by short-range devices.
Among their Suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all 17 euro-zone countries, harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions.
The content of these sections should include relevant information described in existing ICH guidelines, but harmonised content is not available for all sections.
"We think film subsidy programmes should be harmonised with public health goals by making films with tobacco imagery ineligible for public subsidies," Millett said.
A couple of harmonised console projects (Pax shell, Posh) and launchers (Pax Runner) are available; OSGi RFC 132 is an ongoing proposal to try and standardise the command shells.
有两个统一console的项目(Paxshell,Posh)和运行器(PaxRunner)可以利用;osgiRFC 132则是一个正在进行中的提案,试图标准化command shell。
A couple of harmonised console projects (Pax shell, Posh) and launchers (Pax Runner) are available; OSGi RFC 132 is an ongoing proposal to try and standardise the command shells.
有两个统一console的项目(Paxshell,Posh)和运行器(PaxRunner)可以利用;osgiRFC 132则是一个正在进行中的提案,试图标准化command shell。