In 2000, she put an ad in Harvard Magazine.
You can find a good introduction to this research in Harvard Magazine.
Levitt’s resignation from Harvard Business Review, which he once described as “a magazine written by people who can’t write for people who won’t read”, was over an article about women in management.
In 1944, when I was 13, I read about the Harvard Mark 1 computer in a magazine, and I knew then that computers was what I wanted to do.
A hyperachiever who pilots his own helicopter, Mr Piñera has a Harvard doctorate in economics and is one of Chile’s richest businessmen (he is said by Forbes magazine to be worth $1 billion).
喜爱驾驶直升机的超级大黑马,Sebastián Piñera拥有哈佛大学经济学博士学位,并且是智利最有钱的商人之一(据《富比世》杂志称其身价超越十亿美元)。
He researched and wrote articles for a magazine, the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.
他一边做研究一边为一家杂志,《哈佛公民权利- - -公民自由法律评论》撰写文章。
He researched and wrote articles for a magazine, the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.
他一边做研究一边为一家杂志,《哈佛公民权利- - -公民自由法律评论》撰写文章。