He has always been one of my heroes from a young age and I remember crying after watching Richard Attenborough's famous film Gandhi.
Mr Paulson has until now been seen as one of the heroes.
After coming back to the show late last season, it has now been reported that he is leaving again the NBC series Heroes.
He works has been eighteen years of Third World Heroes, said recently his creation.
He has been named in Forbes Asia's annual list of Heroes of Philanthropy in 2011.
The original graphic novel details a world where history has been changed by the presence of costumed heroes who fight crime.
Heroes source code originates from an original MS-DOS game but has been heavily modified to enhance the portability and some new features have been added.
英雄源代码源于原始的MS - DOS的游戏,但已被大幅修改,以提高便携性,和已经添加了一些新的特点。
In his uphill contest to see when the master of surprise has been chosen as the turtle dragon heroes, but the teacher did not believe in, the turtle master told the chef to trust Abao.
Heroes of History was his last word on the subject, and much of it has been aimed directly at the doubts and fears of people today.
Zhongshan, with a solid foundation of culture and education, has been a gathering place of talents and heroes.
In the Chinese traditional society, history determined by heroes has long been a mainstream of culture and character evaluation.
The more complex, less balanced and much less applicable method, is what has been theorized and called "level based heroes."
More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes --- with Childe Harold, the romantic traveller;
More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes --- with Childe Harold, the romantic traveller;