Remote auto meter reading technology with low voltage power lines carrier is a new technology which has a wide application foreground.
The application results show that the lamp equipment can work reliably in complicated interference environment, so that it has a wide application foreground.
Comparing with frequency converting driving system for asynchronous machine and adjustable speed for DC motor, the driving system has a wide application foreground.
In addition, because the model system can correctly simulate space-time distribution of pollutants, it has a wide application foreground to urban air pollution prevention planning.
As an international network data exchange standard, XML has a wide application foreground and powerful functions in the connection and exchange of homogeneous or heterogeneous data.
The furnace flame detection system has wide application foreground. It is a valuable researching direction on combining image processing and combustion control.
The modified BP Nerve Network Classify and Identify System has a very wide application foreground in TM images.
Metallic substrate automobile catalyst is a novel catalyzes technology, which has an extensive application and wide foreground in auto emission cleanse technology.
Good technical and economic results indicate the process has a wide and bright application foreground for similar metal sulphide mines.
Time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay technology is a new generational non -radioactivity immunoassay. It has wide application and bright foreground in biotechnology and clinical detection.
From the outcome of the testing, it makes clear that the system has high level of automation, intelligence and adaptability, and a wide application foreground and big economic profit.
From the outcome of the testing, it makes clear that the system has high level of automation, intelligence and adaptability, and a wide application foreground and big economic profit.