Emulating your conversation partner's actions is a common human behavior classified as "mirroring" and has been known and studied by psychologists for years.
For laboratory work, Marburg virus has been classified as an extremely hazardous pathogen and can be handled safely only in specialized high-containment laboratories.
WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified 107 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations as carcinogenic to humans.
The us newspaper industry has seen AD revenue fall in recent years as advertisers migrate to the Internet, particularly to sites offering free or low-cost alternatives for classified ads.
The beverage is technically classified as a foodstuff for now, an anomaly that has allowed producers to avoid a sweeping new crackdown on alcohol advertising and night-time sales.
IBM has made this change in an attempt to discourage junior administrators from changing certain parameters that were deemed critical enough to be classified as restricted.
Mexico's Santa Catalina Island rattlesnake has been classified as critically endangered on the 2007 IUCN red List.
Viruses are not classified as alive, yet Mimi has a genome that, in parts, looks like yours.
WHO has classified 107 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations as carcinogenic to humans.
As far as the Pentagon knows, no classified information has been lost or transmitted outside.
The World Health Organization has classified shift work as a probable carcinogen.
The numeric columns in fact entity has been classified as Measure.
Pic.1 Damage: The World Health Organisation has classified that sunbeds are as carcinogenic as smoking, asbestos and arsenic.
The number of documents classified as secret has jumped from 8.7m in 2001 to 14.2m in 2005—a 60% increase over three years.
the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has classified all tigers as endangered, which prohibits their movement in commercial international trade。
It has also created free competitors, such as Craigslist, which has thoroughly disrupted the classified-advertising business.
Although REM sleep is not classified as a type of deep sleep, it is only reached after the brain has passed through deep sleep stages.
However, phase two of the implementation plan, under which smoking was prohibited in classified restaurants as of January 1, 2010, has not yet been implemented.
In 2005, the World Health Organization has officially classified as AIDS as a disability.
Until recently, golf has been classified as a non-physical sport, giving golfers an excuse to ignore advice about nutrition in sport.
Caffeine is classified by the FDA and generally recognized as safe and there has been no evidence produced that shows caffeine to be harmful to health.
I'd like to learn how to be less critical. My mouth has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction.
It has been classified as an Urbanized City.
Customers profit mode has a variety of sites, generally classified as "advertising revenue", "sales commission", "invite friends rebate" and other ways to increase the income of the website.
As the Internet resources grow fast, a new topic has been raised in digital library which is how to collect so many resources and classified them by information technology.
It is classified by Habanos SA as a Global brand, and has the largest market share.
The property rights are classified as the right which has clear attribution and subsidiary right which is effectiveness.
As to the practical and realistic analysis, the essay has also made a classified discussion on the foreign research and also on the national research.
As to the practical and realistic analysis, the essay has also made a classified discussion on the foreign research and also on the national research.