Sometimes the fact that we already produce enough food to more than feed the world's 7.4 billion people but do not provide adequate access to all individuals, has been excluded from these arguments.
While no one is daft enough to say poverty excuses looting, some insist that poverty has everything to do with what has happened.
Whatever your talents in your chosen field, your English has to be strong enough to enable you to do well in your coursework.
It has a miniscule market share, but its unique abilities make it important enough to be worth catering to if you can do so without inconveniencing other users.
One of the most sensitive areas has been what we do in friendly countries that don't want to co-operate or maybe we don't have enough confidence to entrust them with information.
A great deal of previous work has shown that simply presenting the stimuli to the participant is usually not enough. They actually have to do the task.
Mr Ferris is wise enough not to teach a lesson. Rather, he has teased ordinary circumstances into something extraordinary, which is exactly what we want our fiction writers to do.
Unsurprisingly, his views have won a sympathetic hearing at the Bank of Japan (BoJ), which has often been accused of failing to do enough to reverse falling prices.
The completed flexible display then has to be detached from the glass without being damaged, which is difficult to do efficiently enough to make the displays on a commercial scale.
Do you really think the FDA has enough resources to precisely verify every new dietary supplement proposed to hit the market?
But persuading investors that Citi still has powerful enough franchises to go head to head with Wells or J.P. Morgan in important products would do a lot more for the stock.
The proposed increase in the firepower of the main bail-out fund, the EFSF, will not be enough to protect Italy should it go under, as it has threatened to do in recent weeks.
而已提出的增加主要纾困基金“欧洲金融稳定基金”(European Financial Stability Fund)的援助力度将不足于保护将要破产的意大利,而近几周来它已经在威胁要这样做了。
And even if inflation rates do increase, argues Mr Van Eeden, they are unlikely to be high enough to justify the prices at which gold has been trading.
But now many of the site, although some has set, but not enough to play a buffer role, a site no buffer, it is extremely wrong, hope to use the unit to check, do not despise the last line of defense.
If you want to see the colour of somebody's money, you want to make sure that the person in question has enough money to pay you before you accept to do something.
MATTHEW MITCHAM is brave enough to dive from a 10-metre platform for Olympic gold and courageous enough to do what no Australian athlete has done.
Whatever holding steady has meant to you in the past, these days it has more to do with remaining fluid enough to handle anything.
A change in scope MUST be evaluated for its impacts to time, cost, quality, risk, resources, and customer satisfaction. The project manager has enough data about the project to do this analysis.
He now has enough for a deposit on a small two-room apartment. But at the moment we do not think it is a good time to buy and we do not want to saddle ourselves with a mortgage.
But there is another power which has to do with the presumption that enough money should buy influence and assure control to the benefit of those who are wealthy.
Granted that Tom has enough money to buy the car, it doesn't mean he's going to do so.
Me and other patients communicate found that AIDS has been the concern of not enough people, I hope to be able to do in this regard something meaningful in return.
Granted that Tom has enough money to buy the car, it doesn't mean he is going to do so.
Now, the moment has arrived for me to do something new and I think that the challenge of my new profession will be enough to keep me from looking back on the past.
But persuading investors that Citi still has powerful enough franchises to go head to head with Wells or J. P. Morgan in important products would do a lot more for the stock.
But persuading investors that Citi still has powerful enough franchises to go head to head with Wells or J. P. Morgan in important products would do a lot more for the stock.